Why You Need Physical Therapy Treatment

Many people work with physical therapists during rehabilitation (rehab) after an injury or surgery. But working with a physical therapist can also be an effective strategy for managing pain and stiffness to improve your quality of life, at any age or activity level.

It’s common to feel nervous about seeing a new health care professional, especially one who might prescribe exercise and stretches. But a PT can help in surprising ways.


If you can’t perform certain tasks or participate in your favorite sports because of pain and weakness, a physical therapist can help. Your therapist may prescribe specific exercises, techniques that use physical stimulation like heat, cold and electrical currents and treatments like massage therapy, joint manipulation and myofascial release.

Your therapist may also recommend specialized ergonomic tools for work and home to ease your discomfort if you sit all day at a desk job. They’ll teach you how to properly use these tools, and how to make simple changes in your daily routine.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel impossible, especially when you’re struggling with pain. But, if you’re willing to work with your therapist, you can reach your health goals. Taking steps to improve your strength, endurance and flexibility can help reduce the amount of opioids or other pain relievers you need to take.


A physical therapist can teach you safe and effective stretches that can help improve your flexibility. They are also experts in understanding how different body systems integrate with movement. For example, a good therapist will likely evaluate more than just the area of pain to determine whether your cardiovascular, neurological and endocrine system are impacting your movement patterns.

They can also help you understand which movements are safe and which ones could aggravate your injury or further damage it. They can even coach you on modifying your everyday routine and habits to avoid re-injury.

Most people think of physical therapy after an injury or surgery, but it can also be used to prevent injuries and improve mobility and balance as you age. Talk to your doctor today about how physical therapy can benefit you.


Whether you’re lifting weights, kicking a football or running a race, a physical therapist can help you improve your strength, endurance and power. Your PT can also teach you how to use proper form, which will reduce your risk of injury.

Some people get physical therapy to recover from an injury or as part of their rehabilitation after surgery. Other people work with a physical therapist to manage chronic conditions, like arthritis or back pain. And still others get physical therapy as preventive care to keep their body healthy and avoid injuries that could limit their mobility and quality of life.


A large part of physical therapy involves learning exercises that improve coordination, muscle strength and balance. PTs often create exercise routines that patients can practice at home as well.

Coordination impairments are called ataxia, and they can result from conditions affecting the cerebellum, spinal cord or peripharynx. Examples include tremors, loss of balance or difficulty moving one’s arms and legs.

For example, if someone is suffering from a neurological condition like MS or Parkinson’s disease, they might benefit from specialized treatment called neurological PT. This type of PT is less intense than other types of PT and helps people improve their ability to move, relieve pain and decrease falls. It’s covered by Medicare and Medicare Advantage, with most commercial insurers offering similar benefits.


There’s probably no other medical professional who gets as much one-on-one time with their clients like physical therapists do. This presents a unique opportunity for the client-therapist connection, which can lead to more holistic approaches to healing.

For example, if your balance is a problem, your therapist can guide you through exercises that strengthen the inner and outer core muscles to improve stability. They can also help you adjust the way you move in daily life to prevent falls.

The therapist can examine other parts of your body to determine whether the problems you have with your balance are caused by a weak core or something else. They can then create a treatment plan to address the issue. This might include exercise, manual therapy techniques and other strategies.

Physical therapy is essential for healing and recovery. If you’re seeking “radiografias cerca de mi” (X-rays near me), skilled therapists utilize these images to tailor treatments, addressing pain, mobility, and overall wellness effectively.

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